I would like to invite you to come on a journey with me. It will be a journey unlike any other journey you will ever take. The journey may be long, at least a year, or it may take a whole lifetime. The length of the journey depends on how far you want to travel. But it will be the most rewarding journey you will ever take. It is a spiritual journey, one of discovery of who you were really created to be from the second of your conception, and how to become everything you were meant to be in this world. It is a journey of learning how to fight the negative influences that have stopped you, so far, from becoming this amazing person you were created to be. You can travel for as long as it takes you to be able to live a more comfortable life and have peace and happiness as this world knows these things, or you can keep travelling and learning and becoming. The possibilities are endless.
The First Step
When I was fifty two, I began to do a degree in Human and Community Services. I had not had much education and wanted to work in the caring professions. I was quite amazed that the first subject was called, “How We Learn.” It was very interesting and absolutely essential to helping make our journey through TAFE as mature age students much easier. It was about the five senses. We actually learn through the median of taste, smell, touch, hearing and seeing. I had never heard this concept before. I learnt that I didn’t learn very well by just listening. I very easily forgot what I had heard. So I needed to write down everything I heard as I heard it and, that night, read it over and over. I also wrote it out and tested myself over and over until I was perfect. It worked and I scored very highly at the end of the first semester. I got the job I wanted and did not have to complete the course. I mention this here because in fighting the Lie we learn how important this concept is.
The Deepest Step
The deepest step you will take in this journey is to come to the knowledge that just living in this world causes what I call an Original Lie to be planted deep inside us and it manipulates our reactions and our behaviour. You can never be free while ever it is in there. To root it out and replace it with true knowledge of who we were always meant to be is Fight The Lie. It is essential to being free.
My Special Step
My mission statement says that I have had a miracle in my life and I have. You would need to read my first book, “ And His Bride Has Made Herself Ready” to understand just how incredible my miracle has been. This monthly communication is not about that. I write the books for this purpose. This “Blog” as I have learnt to call it, is about helping anyone who will listen to find the same freedom I have found in my life. I have been brought out of a life of living hell to such freedom I call myself the most blessed person alive. And I am. I would not change places with anyone anywhere. I have abundant life. I have had a unique experience which I have never found anyone else to have been given. I have read a few books about people who have had a similar experience but I have not met anyone personally who has been so selected for such a life changing event. So for me it has been easier to believe than most people will find.
Continue reading My Special Step
The Hardest Step
The next step in the Journey is the hardest. I have written in my first book how Jesus helped me come out a life of dysfunction. The following is the first principle He taught me. You do not have to believe in Him for these principles to work in your life, and set you free. But I use His name in all my writing as that is who He told me He is and He is my teacher. You can substitute a name like Higher Power as they do in Alcoholics Anonymous. It will still work because it is the truth.
If you read my first book “And His Bride Has Made Herself Ready”, you will see that I had an emotionally abusive childhood which, because of the deep lies I had planted inside me during those years, lies that told me I was unlovable, caused me to go into a severely dysfunctional marriage. During the 12 years that followed, my severe dysfunction became far more life threatening and destructive.
Preparing for the Journey
The five previous blogs have been to prepare you for the spiritual place you are going to go to, essential principles you need to understand if you are going to make the journey successfully.They are like preparing for any journey. Have you packed the right clothing for the climate you are going into? Have you packed a toothbrush and tooth paste, a passport, medication? If it is a foreign country you are going to, do you need to have vaccinations? I have been overseas a few times, plus New Zealand a number of times, and I have travelled to different parts of Australia many times by different modes of transport. Each journey needed different items to be packed.
This is just as important with a spiritual journey. You need to understand a little about the country you are going to visit. There are different needs when the journey you are making is into a place where God’s spiritual laws are in operation, and where we need to be in line with these spiritual laws so we can become free and whole. Of course, because God’s spiritual laws have been in place since the creation of the universe, we all live under His laws every day. But because we do not understand them, we do not live in accordance with them. This is one of the reasons we are not living the lives we are meant to be living.
The first article we need to have in our spiritual suitcase is to know there is a way to live that will bring us to living the life we were meant to live. Continue reading Preparing for the Journey
Beginning the Journey
I write a lot about the garden of Eden because the story of Adam and Eve contains hidden secrets of wholeness and the intimate relationships we all desire. As I state often, it does not matter if the story is true or not, or if you believe it or not, it is the best illustration of what went wrong and why we still suffer today.
Adam and Eve lived in a garden where the Lord God was their teacher and where there were no negative influences. They lived under positive spiritual principles where they could grow and flourish, and become who they were meant to be, to live in harmony with each other, with God and with their surroundings. They only had one law to keep. Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the centre of the garden. There were no negative influences in their lives because no-one had eaten from this tree yet. The knowledge of good and evil had not been released.
But we all know the story. They ate from the tree and released negativity into the world. Continue reading Beginning the Journey
The Equation
There is an equation Jesus taught me that works, and that you will need to put into practice in the fight to become whole. It is that it is our thoughts that cause our feelings which then causes our behaviour; our reactions and our actions. We are usually not aware we have a fleeting thought before we have a feeling. Feelings do not come all by themselves. But we are not aware of the thought that comes first. Feelings are so powerful that they block out the fleeting thought. The truth that the thought comes first is the basis for the Original Lie I teach about, and that, once discovered and destroyed will set you free. Continue reading The Equation
The Subconscious Mind
This is the beginning of learning how to fight. You need to understand the way the subconscious mind works, and how the Original Lie becomes so powerful. I am unlearned so if I am not scientifically right about this, the simple explanation I give works. The subconscious mind takes in everything that is happening around us, even when we are not consciously aware of what is happening. It takes in information through the five senses; touch, hearing, sight, taste and smell. Continue reading The Subconscious Mind
The Ticket for the Journey; Words
Following on from the way the subconscious mind works, you would now be more aware of the power of words, whether they are words spoken by others to us, us to others, us about others when they cannot even hear them, and the reverse, words spoken by others about us when we cannot hear them, words we speak about ourselves but which we do not really hear. Words of any kind are far more powerful than anyone realises. The problem for people is, because we all have this Lie inside us, that we hear the negative far more easily than we hear the positive. And unfortunately, the negative is spoken far more than the positive. I wish it were different but it isn’t. Continue reading The Ticket for the Journey; Words