The real cost to becoming free is to believe that we are worth being given such a gift. If we work on the wisdom we are given because it has cost us an excessive amount of money, we are not doing it for a reason that will ultimately set us free. There is a story in scripture about the building of a house. It talks about the foundation you need to build on in order for the house to stand in all kinds of weather. Just yesterday there was an earthquake in Italy that has cost hundreds of lives. Yet it was lower on the Richter scale than the earth quakes in Christchurch in New Zealand that cost very few lives. Why? Maybe it was the way houses are built in New Zealand. Maybe they have a solid foundation. The story in scripture says that we need to build on a solid foundation, rock rather than sand.
The wisdom I have been given and that I pass on to you is wisdom that is built on rock. It has a solid foundation. I am walking proof of this. For the wisdom we all need in this world is how to be able to live here and stand up under whatever this world dishes out to us. To not merely survive, but to thrive. I do not merely survive but I am truly happy and hopeful in a world where this is sadly lacking. Yet I am someone who has unfair things happen to her all the time, especially in my family. But also in people who come into my life. And health. But my foundation is built on rock. I would rather live in the hope I have and even have it not come to pass, than to live in despair and hopelessness. Jesus has taught me a way to think that enables me to live a life built on hope and not despair. I am truly blest. I listened and I believed.
What was given to me by Jesus is wisdom you cannot buy anywhere. I spent years under psychiatrists and counsellors and got no help at all. In fact I would hate to tell you some of the counsel I was given, supposed to help me with severe dysfunction. It was horrendous. But I received free help from the Holy Spirit of Jesus and became more free than any other person I have ever met. And He will do the same for you and any one who seeks and asks for the help. He came that we might all have life and have it abundantly. I am walking proof it works.