When I was fifty two, I began to do a degree in Human and Community Services. I had not had much education and wanted to work in the caring professions. I was quite amazed that the first subject was called, “How We Learn.” It was very interesting and absolutely essential to helping make our journey through TAFE as mature age students much easier. It was about the five senses. We actually learn through the median of taste, smell, touch, hearing and seeing. I had never heard this concept before. I learnt that I didn’t learn very well by just listening. I very easily forgot what I had heard. So I needed to write down everything I heard as I heard it and, that night, read it over and over. I also wrote it out and tested myself over and over until I was perfect. It worked and I scored very highly at the end of the first semester. I got the job I wanted and did not have to complete the course. I mention this here because in fighting the Lie we learn how important this concept is.